Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Tonnage Estimate

I know how that can happen! However, only 15 people have voted for you so far so would not take many votes to turn that around. In my case I have over 500 votes. I am stuck at 3.5. I used to fluctuate between 3.9 and 4.0 and when NOT tried to take over FWR, I posted in favor of this on the FWR board and my ranking was pushed down...c est la vie! People will still recognize you if you keep posting honestly.

I did a rough tonnage estimate just for the holes to the east and very conservatively, I got 17M tons. I used 300m deep, 150m both width and length with a specific gravity of 2.6. So, we should extremely easily be over 20M tons IMO, could easily be the 60M tons Mark posted.

The Diatreme which is the geological structure we have is formed deep underground and pushes up in an explosive manner. Something like this can go down for kilometers from what I have read. We will have an economic cut off at some point for sure but when we look at the value per ton we are getting, it will be economical to mine this fairly deep. The grades are supposed to get better at depth as well which we will not know till we drill. However, if the grades are better at depth, this would offset the increased costs of mining at depth.

When looking at the drill holes, it is easy to see the breciation as we hit mulitple zone of graphite with granite in between. With our high value, high purity product, it should still be economical to mine even these areas.

Just wish I had more dough to through at this....


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