Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: What is driving ZEN higher - Great Resource Potential

Greetings AG crew,

I have heard high praise being sung re. the AG ZEN board for a while now and I've finally decided to get an account and join the party.

First I want to say thanks to all of the contributions to this board...I have only had a chance to sift through the past week or so, but impressive discussions nonetheless.

And thank you TN for adressing the issue re. DT30's seemingly out of line responses to those who raised and discussed legitimate points. This is a discussion board, used to share knowledge/info or raise/address legitimate questions one may have. There is no need to "flag a poster for assessment" just because you don't necessarily agree with their view/opinion.

Goldhunter11, from what I have read, does a great job of not only responding to discussion points, however, addressing items we all must take into account considering ZEN...i truly appreciate the level-headed posts which do a good job of "keeping expectations grounded"...i find this to be the best approach one can take (especially in this sector). There is absolutely no grounds for flagging such a user. That discussion facilitation can be a great asset to this board.

There are always what-ifs, and though I love the potential of ZEN, I always find myself looking for, and asking myself "what-if" questions..it is not done to raise my doubts, rather to help me further my DD by researching these items. And if I, or anyone else, has any similar questions, they should feel free to do so without fear of automatically being "flagged"/labelled as being blatantly negative.

Now, time for me to go browse through the rest of the ZEN discussions here, hopefully they live up to what I have had the pleasure of reviewing so far. Wish I had discovered this forum sooner.

Look forward to being a part of the AG ZEN discussions going forward.

Cheers, D

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