I am very heartend as to Zen doing business development to find buyers for the (massive) annual tonnage of products, both through bulk sample supplies and the recent hirings
I think if no early 'one off' buy out from one of them, then an awarded contract will lift this into the realms of being easily compared to a metal ore business. At the moment I think the stock market is not doing a proper valuation because of the non standard (to metals) graphite sales market
There has been a lot of fuss over the $8500 figure but I see it as a low range of the current range for graphite product across different purity levels. Its worth restating that to get the lower end purity Zenyatta should require a cheaper process, with less environmental imapct, plus their grpahite is being proven 'better'
I like the 'green graphite' market angle, I remember there being a CO2 controvesy about the sudbry nickle having to be shipped to China for processing for Prius cars. Here's a quick link for validity:
I agree with thesh about the numbers game stoving false retail expectations, but the 43 is conservative and think the PEA will be larger, more in line with initial expecations.
Towards 2nd quarter already, Nice!