Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Getting closer

I agree the sky is the limit, but some seem too anxious and will sell it cheap. None of us know the real value of this one of a find. That will only be determined though the tests being done by numerous parties. Don't hold your breath while waiting for news. News has done very little if anything for the stock price. Only the news about how much end users will pay for this graphite will determine the value of the mine and our share price.

I think AE and the other management of ZEN are going the right way doing just what they are doing. Yes, I'd love it if they could share more. But they feel that would not benefit ZEN in the long run. I'll demonstarte my confidence in them by waiting patiently until something is announced. This would not be the first time that back room deals have had to be kept confidential. It is the nature of deal making.

Up to the present, ZEN management has made it clear they are persuing a buy-out deal. Until all the test results are known, how do you value ZEN graphite? It is our best interest not to deal until we know all the facts and how much the deposit is worth. It is even more important to the potential buyer to know what it is he is buying and that he is not over-paying. In the last few years more than one company has over-paid for a mine only to be embarrssed to have to write down the asset values. This has made all CEO's much more careful about the deals they enter. I do not expect any to be in a hurry with ZEN, and this is a large factor why our share price has suffered. Not to mention the competition who have no interest to see ZEN succeed.

I really do not see much hurry to aquire ZEN until after the PEA. I had thought the 43-101 would help our share price. It sure had no effect. I am cautious about the PEA, but it contains a lot more information as to the value of the deposit and the costs to develop and market it. So I am optimistic it may start the final lap in the story of this deposit. I am very confident AE is doing everything right to get for all shareholders the best deal he can. He is doing that his way. I have confidence in him. I do not need to know any more than he feels he can share.

An off take deal or partnership is what I have always preferred. Someone with deep pockets who badly needs this kind of graphite to replace the synthetic product now used. For a percentage of the company to fund development a partner could secure for themselves a graphite supply. It does not have to a special price either. The deal could be made for market prices. It's the guaranteed supply that is of value to a partner.

I have no doubt that AE will entertain this option if a proper sale price for ZEN cannot be negotiated. I like the long term prospects of the cash flow and valuable dividends that this mine would pay out to shareholders. It would make a good pension plan for many. In today's economy, pensions are not as secure as they once were. Future retirees will only have a pension their savings will buy. In my world, I knew what my pension would be. That luxury has passed away for most workers.

Those of us who have been in ZEN from the start, or near the start, have been most fortunate. This is one of the best managed companies I have been in. I began in the markets in 1965. I've seen my share of opportunities. ZEN is the icing on the cake.

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