coinciding with USD strength (sidenote – US dollar strength due to better Jobs Reports and Economic outlook? Questionable imo for 4 reasons, 1. Labour Participation is at a 36 year low, 2. Median Income is down $4K since 2008, 3. 47% receive some form of social spending from US Gov’t, 4. 1 in 5 US Households are on Food Stamps)
USD Strength is due only to the fact that it is or will be the last large currency standing. The Euro is collapsing and as long as the USD is the world's defacto reserve currency it will be where everyone goes when there are no other options. Which is essentially what you said of it being the best house in a bad area. In time, it will collapse as well.
The PEA will start the End-game, which this market will no longer be able to contain.
The PEA can't get here fast enough can it? LOL. We all know it will outstanding, nothing to indicate otherwise. Even the questions about additional porocessing costs for certain end users was dealt with at the AGM - comments regarding the delay was to push this to a one step process to reduce the cost.
Anyway, we will all have to paitently wait impaitently. Frustrating but completely out of our control.