Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Darkest before the dawn...

Thanks Mongo. Who was the other "main actor" that was not in attendance? I can see Kenneth Stowe and Peter Ravencroft together working the mining companies for an investment in ZEN, or a purchase of the deposit. Not sure Ken has the technical expertise to speak to end-users of the graphite, but a Charhar/Stowe duo could hit the vertical supply chain.

It's good to see Ken out working the world tour. I really think AE wants a miner to invest a sum of cash to show the big miners there is "interest". Then release the PEA to show margins that will make every miner drool. This should be enough to force the hands of the big miners to make a play for ZEN and for the miner that invested early...it's win/win. Huge return of investment, or reduce cost of buying the deposit.

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