Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Re: 2.29 close today...
Oct 24, 2014 02:26PM
Oct 24, 2014 04:01PM
Oct 24, 2014 08:18PM
Oct 24, 2014 08:57PM
Oct 24, 2014 09:07PM
Oct 24, 2014 10:29PM

greetings all,

Great to see the price actions of the past few days!

took a little break from the online ZEN communities for a while, decided if the company is taking a news vacation until Q4, i'd do the same.

Been doing about a months worth of catching up on here, glad to see the amount of effort and work is being put in on here while we patiently await the PEA (and any other NR Aubrey would be inclinded to send our way). Just because the company isn't in a position to give us any new info (strategicislly we assume), doesnt mean we shouldnt be doing check and double-check to makre sure we're aware of where we stand. So again, thanks for doing so Agora-ZEN community.

a few comments rwinger...

"ICD, you are just looking for reasons not to be optimistic."
How so? We have a 43-101 in hand stating a value per tonne of $8,500. The substance/origin of this $8,500 has been beaten to death, so I will not get into it. Like it or not, $8,500 is the only number we have been given to work with as of now, and it would be presumptuous to assign any higher value to the deposit until we have been given reason to believe so.

The online ZEN community has been tearing AE to shreds over the past 12 months for over-promising and under-delivering....as we stand, assigning a value over double what we have been given in the 43-101 would setting yourself up for the same disappointment.

"Why offer our Albany graphite for less when it is a superior product.""...there are LOTS of applicaitons for our graphite"
This is not the first, and it will not be the last time the price points are discussed, but as you mentioned, there are potentially multiple applicaitons of our graphite, each likely possessing its own selling price and processing cost numbers. This is the reason it is presumptuous to assign a value of $19K to the ENTIRE 1.4M tonnes ZEN is sitting on.

Until we figure out what the uses/buyers are, what they need, what it costs, etc, we shouldnt be assuming top of the synthetic range $$ for the entire deposit. Another thing to consider is the global ecomonic situation, many prudent minining companies sizeable to overtake a project like Albany are tightening their belts, as such valuations likely arent as generous as we saw 10-20 years ago.

"The company and the resource is unique, start treating the SP the same way."
This is the nature of the graphite beast, it is unique, there are currently no comparables, and until we get verification in the form of an end user offtake, we are left to estimate on our own as to the value of Albany. For these reasons it is best to stick to what we have and work from there.

$8,500/tonne @ 1.4M tonnes...$12billion in situ value...I'm more than happy to work with that until AE gives us more numbers to throw into our spreadsheets....if down the road we are verified for a higher per tonne value, and resulting likely increase in economic resource size, I will not be complaining one bit.

Lets hope this weeks uptick is a sign of things to come....2 months left in Q4, buckle up!

Cheers, D

Oct 25, 2014 07:53AM
Oct 25, 2014 03:41PM
Oct 25, 2014 05:44PM
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