Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: 2.29 close today...

Goldhunter, Thanks for posting the "floor level" that you project at around $10/share. What bothers me however, is your last statement where you say, "$10/s is just plenty to make some of us millionaires." Good for you if you are one of them. The problem I see is that the people owning enough shares to become quite wealthy will sell out the company at lets say the $10/s level, perhaps leaving those with a fewer number of shares hanging out to dry. The true value that may have been achieved may never, as a result, be realized. This seems unfair to the little guy with fewer shares. I also realize that it is a free market and individuals can and will make their own choices. Fortunately, the fact of human nature being what it is, most will likely hold onto many of their shares for an ever better deal. This of course is just an opinion but I think and hope is close to the truth. Happy weekend to all. Will we see news next week???? the deputy

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