Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: In the Money, the NPV's

The descriptions of "soon", "shortly", and "just about finished" came from investors. These words do not appear in the December 2014 NR. Here is what was said in that release:

"While SGS has made significant progress on the metallurgical work, designing an innovative new process takes time and the timelines for completion are difficult to forecast accurately."

"The final results of the metallurgical work and the subsequent PEA will be announced once completed."

So far, the final results have not been announced. This implies that the metallurgical work is ongoing.

I suggest that investors rely on the news announced by the company in the form of public releases and not on someone's interpretation of a private conversation that may or may not be accurate.

Even if the metallurgical work has not been completed, I would expect some sort of update prior to PDAC, hopefully with some meat to the data.

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