Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Re: Quiet day
Nov 27, 2014 05:33PM
Nov 27, 2014 07:40PM
Nov 27, 2014 11:03PM
Nov 28, 2014 07:58AM
Nov 28, 2014 09:53AM
Nov 28, 2014 11:16PM
Nov 29, 2014 08:10AM
Nov 29, 2014 08:21AM
Nov 29, 2014 09:14AM

"Sorry I can't get my head around this one. IMO they are just adding liquidity to the market by buying and selling since they are the market maker. To me this means when there are lots of sellers then TD has to be a net buyer and when there are lots of buyers TD has to be a net seller."

Same for me but from the other perspective. I remember having the market maker explanation set out for me. However, it doesn't really make sense to me here. Firstly, we don't have lots of sellers or buyers.....we have low volume with not many of either. We have this stock that is "ready to explode". Everyone knows about it...it's being attacked and savaged by the opposition....it has numerous NDAs..... is supported by the research community....has fab specs out the ying yang....but it has to be provided with liquidity? What would happen to the sp if no one sold? Recently it went back into the low two's twice and was then routed. With all that's wonderful about this stock, don't you think it just might slowly ascend to previous prices? Is it not worth more? Do we really need a Market Maker to provide liquidity? Really? If the price were 2 on the ask and 1 for the bid....I'd say maybe. Even then shares would still be available at those prices. The system was designed to make money by those who invented the system. They've got the milking machines and the cows get milked on cue when they are primed. The "owners" like as much of a guarantee as they can get so they build a system that works for them and create a nice story to support it. I recently read a blog on some legislation in the US that requires companies to provide reports on imminent moves or changes? I wonder how they would explain that requirement. Of course that info. would remain confidential wouldn't it.

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