Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Re: Whats changed
Dec 16, 2014 04:35PM
Dec 16, 2014 05:42PM
Dec 16, 2014 05:51PM
Dec 16, 2014 05:54PM
Dec 16, 2014 06:01PM
Dec 16, 2014 06:26PM

I agree with you P44, but we're really just reporting on opposite ends of the Zen timeline. I'm looking at the affects on now and you're looking at the affects on later. It doesn't mean that I don't see good stuff down the road....just maybe not as good as some would like it to be.

Yes it's possible that the sp is being attacked right now for obvious reasons and yet power postions may still be in our favour at the end of the event to bring us gains we'd like to see.And so.... we wait to see.

I still think we won't get anywhere near the numbers people have been drooling about. Behind closed doors everyone will state their case. The buyers might say that given the economic times and uncertainty that the BOD and it's shareholders should settle for price X or risk a potentially lengthy period of general market inactivity on all levels. Who's to say what could motivate the BOD into a given action. People keep quoting the "I won't accept less than $10." How about the PEA before Q4 end? That was on schedule and a done deal right.

Yes we could also have a buyer step up to the plate next week. I think we'll see a buyer in Feb. or March....you know the usual couple of months or so after a take down before the buyer sticks it's ugly head out expecting that no one at all will make the connection between their take down and their totally unconnected offer. :)

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