Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Re: Zenyatta improves graphite purity with a “far more significant” process

Canseco, You say,"I like this part". I would have to agree with you. I like it too. If you think about it AE was, I would say, 100% sure that the PEA would be out by the end of the fourth quarter and was assured of that time frame. Oops, hold on SGS labs says, just as AE was ready for disclosure. We have just discovered a new process that will save lots of processing dollars. These new processing costs need to be included into the PEA so hold back for a while yet. I would suspect therefore that the PEA will be released very soon into the new year. His time frame assumption would not be off by 3 or 4 months to be sure. My opinion would be, by the middle of January at the very latest, we will have our PEA. In the mean time I'll take a deep breath and enjoy the holidays. the deputy

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