Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: two kinds of very close.

There is very close meaning that the PEA is almost completed. Not much more work to do before it is done.

Then there is very close meaning tomorrow, maybe or next week? So this is time related.

I'm sure that AE regrets mentioning " very close". He has no chance of winning. How many projects come in on time and within budget? Very few from my experience.

Other posters better than I have mentioned this but we seem to keep forgetting it. This is a one of a kind, never before discovered, deposit. Do they even know where all these tests are taking them? I know they all have an idea what they are doing and looking for but I'm sure they have found more questions than answers. Those doing this work must be quite excited about what they are discovering and don't give a hoot about time. I'm sure some pressed for time keep reminding them, but you get my drift, I hope.

I worked around the Lab where I worked for many years. Most of the time tests are routine and mundane. But there is a lot of excitement when something new pops up. Often unexpectantly.

I'm a lot like most of the rest of us. waiting, Waiting, and WAITING! Will it ever end? Well, don't give up. The news may catch us off guard. That's hard to imagine the way I'm watching.

Jan 08, 2015 10:18AM
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