Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: pie in the sky calculations... looking for those

Thanks for that explanatios, Been There & Mark.

"Experience says otherwise and that company's want and are prepared to pay for high NPV projects"

So then... what is considered a "high NPV project" in your opinion?

Mark said "My NPV $5.74B discounted at 5% (In-Situ Value $17B at $12,000/t)".

Assuming that was what Potential Buyer XYZ also came up with... what share price does that translate to?

Mark... you say that you are looking for those 5 metrics (generally speaking). So... assuming your base #s for each of these metrics (ie $8500, $2000, etc) what SP does that translate to (potentially) for shareholders?



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