Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: PDAC

Let me clarify the content of my earlier and initial post. I did attend PDAC and had a chat with Peter Wood and Tadashi Yamashita. In discussing the relative geological value of the Albany deposit CCB came into the conversation and I pointed out how CCB had handled their good news announcements from a PR standpoint and the impact this had on their stock price versus ZEN's less than ideal approach to this aspect. This is what prompted the comment that there was a difference of opinion in the handling of this.

If my post has created more questions than answers for some of you I apologize as that was not the intent. Rather it was in response to the post from Money75 wondering about any early feedback from PDAC and yes it was only a very small piece of information but perhaps it helps explain the recent approach in releasing a series of technical reports as results become available.

For the record I do not go near SH let alone post on it and I am a long term owner of ZEN with a significant $ investment in its future.

I trust this will satisfy all respondents as I will not be commenting further.

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