Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Well doesn't it seem obvious?

The report wasn't fireworks like "everyone" wanted . But that is simply a perspective that is used to manipulate. It's as old as the hills. So now you need to consider and how do you feel. Do you feel like letting go of Zen for $7 instead of $20 plus now that you've got your nose out of joint? Do you now see how easy it is to change people's perspectives and to cow them into the right "shute"? Everyone knows there is more deep down, that they could produce more per annum. Isn't it interesting the cutoff that they used to include/exclude resource? Give it some thought folks. I've mentioned many times that I suspect this could go for cheaper than many would like to believe. This is how it's done. Are you so pissed now that you'd grab the cash and run? What of those 35 plus NDA folks. Were'nt they a bit excited about what Zen has? But don't think for a moment that they want to pay a lot for it. We're playing poker here like it or not so you best put on your poker face and not flinch.....because they are gonna call you on it. I take nothing for granted from any BOD as far as their intentions. Seen too many times where interpretations of these folk don't quite match up with what was originally thought.

As always.....we wait to see.....but take "stock" of your own perspectives and see if you've changed. Zen value hasn't really, it's just being "interpreted" in a not too zesty way presently. I wonder what precipitated that. Yes, it seems like a nice batch of cheap shares will be had by someone. I wonder what they did for it. And yes, as was mentioned, that little hint was offered where the shorts had beefed up their game.....shoulda picked up on that one big time.

P.S. Volume down big time from yesterday. The tables will turn soon.

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