Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: My Thoughts
"NDA’s can now be assured their product can be profitably mined to ensure long term commitments. NDA’s can also now see the cost to produce their own product so they can look at buying in if they so desire."---June 3/15 IcD:--- Your excellent post, (and leading weekly vote recipient), contains the answer to the when? Or Artics' "time" comment questions. It takes a certain amount of time to raise approved/authorized bid funds by a strategic bidder for a $B dollar asset. The bid must be "just right" so as to both trump all other potential bidders, and not trigger a "priced to low" bidding war. It is my opinion that the offer will come from the company with the largest store of new market share product applications/additions, which will push upward the current 7% PEA market penetration number. A doubling of this bidder-forecasted percentage would double all offer evaluation metrics. My money is on Panasonic. Peter, IMO.
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