Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Packfan

Pacfan has been a very consistant Zen share holder and supporter.Why should any one have doubted the e-mail in the first place.He merely wished to share a very important information regarding the PEA.

It had always been my belief tha AE and company have to convince the mining companies first in regards to mining economics and they have delivered the PEA according to proper protocol which is:what will a mining company look for in a viable deposit.Regardless of future demands,a mining company has to take the graphite out of the ground,proccess it on site and deliver it to end-users as finished product.They want to know if the economic is sound and bankable.Even Albany cannot be made an exception in this pathetic state of the mining environment.

Thank you for your contribution Packfan.

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