Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: PEA

Steak, Once again the news of 35 plus NDA's being signed is being brought forth and you are the latest to do so. One would surely and readily assume that this is great great news. Is it still ........... or was it, but less so today? What I would like to know at this point in time is: out of those 35 plus NDA's, how many are still extremely interested, how many are very interested, how many are still luke-warm interested and lastly how many have no further interest. I realize that it only takes two or three in the first category to make things move forward if and when one of them takes that positive next step. I doubt we would get a response to this question if it were asked. Still long and strong. the deputy

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