John Lennon, The Deputy, Bills16, Jysk, Cinema Show...and anyone else, I was hoping you could please explain reasons WHY you dismiss Smoky83's posts. I am respectfully requesting your reasons because I dont understand what you find wrong in his posts. From what I read and understand from Smoky83, are statements well thought out and researched info. I admit that I have limited knowledge and I sincerely am searching for facts regarding ZEN. I honestly am trying to grasp a handle with what is really going on...Clearly there are two sides and both sides make very interesting arguements. Personally I dont see Smoky83 bashing anything, rather his posts are respectful and to the point. If you would kindly recommend your source where I can educate myself further regarding ZEN so that I am better equiped to make my own decision. So far, I am not able to find anything wrong from Smoky83's posts and I dont understand why some investors are dissing him.