Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Zenyatta Ventures Invited on Business Mission to Middle East With

Hi Fluffy... you are such a cool cat to have around the house. Yes you were right about your prediction on May 6th. If I had some cheese, Id be happy to offer you some. I like the info you bring about and Im sure most of us welcome more of it. (Ok? so hint hint) There seems to be quite a bit of information regarding uses for graphine... Hoov...Im not quite sure what you mean by no real market for graphine! Are you kidding here? Graphine with its unique properties is going to change our lives in a very big way. Global trends suggest that by 2020, the graphine market will be worth in the millions. As you know, every car manufactuer is looking to build EV's... so I just dont understand what you meant by no real market. Just knowing what applications could be made with graphine, I would expect for you to at least admit that this stock is very much worth getting into and to invest in this stock as much as possible. "No real market for graphine..." Please Hoov, elaborate!

GRAPHINE: 200x stronger than steel being one atom thin


Conductor of 1000x density of electrical current vs copper

and it has the best electron mobility than any metal


Graphine has an incredible wide application for so many sectors like electronics/computers, batteries, cell phones, engineering, aerospace, vehicles, energy and even water technology that can turn sea water into drinkable water...and not to mention thousands of applications for patents for new inventions. One last point is that the price of graphine depends on the quality ... and ZEN happens to have the most purist form of this stuff...nuclear grade at that. But I must admit I do have a bitter/sweet dispositon on this ZEN stock...and what pisses me off is that our share price is under a buck. I know this is all about to change and it'll all be great and all, but can someone please throw me a bone here? It doesnt make sense with this share price knowing the potential of this amazing material. BTW Fluffy... I could use another one of your predictions ... I would like to say that I agree very much what Eric had to say on another BB and I posted here for you all to read.


I've been frustrated with ZEN recently. No news, no real updates, and no participation in a sector wide rally the past few months. Don't get me wrong, the fundamental story is intact. But, we need to see benchmarks and execution speed up. I have voiced my displeasure with management recently as they wait for new developments to even go court new investors. I told them they need to be marketing, especially when things are quiet! Hopefully they will use some of the funds they raise to get the word out more aggressively. The rights offering is a discount to market but a small one so it isn't terribly motivating. I won't be adding more shares until we see some renewed action. The stock is cheap under $1 so long term minded investors may end up well served by adding here but short term I'd like to see more out of the company.

Eric Muschinsk

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