Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: It's Marbelous

I wouldn't call the new man a guru. He may be able to provide improvements to the process with time, but these things come more from the lab testing. He'll make sure the material is processed according to the people who are buying and what their directions are with the material they buy. I do not think much of this work will come from Zenyatta. Once the buyer recieves his graphite, then they will process it their wants. Each purchaser will process it to their qualifications. That way they give nothing away to a competitor. So not too much of that will be Zenyatta's resposibility.

The announcement Zenyatta makes will just be the beginning of development. Some are expecting a buy-out. I hope Zenyatta stays with the development side. None of us know anything, at least I do not, and await a deal. I'm sure the CEO and the BOD have some idea from whatever talks have taken place. Those things are kept private. I expect the announcement will be a game changer whatever it is. If I was not confident, I would not be invested in Zenyatta. So there will be a big change with the company. An even bigger one with the share price.

But.........I have to wait for the jury to decide. I just like what I know so far.

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