Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Re: Trip down memory lane...that is still close to reality today-Wishful

Wishful, you wrote,

"Hoov and the chief have taken a shit kicking over their views on ZEN, and I don't blame them if they're a little bitter, with it sometimes coming out in their posts"

How can you say, in good conscience, that you don't blame them?

The "chief" has admitted his motive is revenge, and clearly has a huge conflict.

Hoov cleary continues to read this board, otherwise how did he know that Glorieux had posted? Why does a non-shareholder continue to read and formerly posted ad nauseam on the board of a stock he doesn't own? Can you say "revenge",..... again!

Nothing these two write can be taken as unbiased, and should be taken with several grains of salt.....or marble.


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