Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: AE

Steak, I believe that AE is waiting for some kind of a "Hail Mary" pass to be made. It is obvious that he does not have any business plan in place. AE has managed to put the company in a difficult place. I think he believed that the scientific reports that the Zen graphite was getting would propell the SP of Zen. Scientific reports no matter how sterling is not what the market is interested in. The market and the lenders want a definite business strategy to be in place. They want a management team in place that has the ability to move the project forward based on good business practices not a "Hail Mary" pass. 

Mr. Eveleigh discovered a genuine high end graphite deposit and for that he should be congratulated. Discovering a high end grahite deposit and then failing to act correctly on that discovery is Mr. Eveleigh's greatest weakness. Mr. Eveleigh is not able or willing to admit he is unable to take the project any further than where it currently sits. I think one of the reasons amongst others Ken Stowe resigned from the BOD is he correctly diagnosed Mr. Eveleigh's inability to take the Albany deposit beyond where it currently is. Cheers, Fluffy the Cat. 




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