Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: looks like..

looks like someone thinks they know which way the vote is going and they like it. up to 54 cents canadian. still a little short of 109K shares traded and on 36 trades. i wonder what will happen when the volume starts picking up?

it suggests a yellow victory to me. green anticipation would have probably seen neutral to down in price. of course it's just a guess, but it's what seems most reasonable to me.

all we need is for jordan to be the honorable man that he seems to in fact be. he said ZEN has no problems with its graphite. i can't see him lying about that. everyone (shareholders) seems to be counting on jordanĀ getting paid to finish his met report. it should be one of the earliest priorities with the new BOD.

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