"So let's be clear, Morrison and/or Aubrey receive an NSR % royalty of a specific sale of the company/deposit resources. Is that correct?
And if you are the individual(s) who benefit from that royalty you can essentially dilute the company to the nth degree - which can kill the shareholder by the end of the process, but you are largely protected from any 'watering down' and share erosion. Is that correct?
And if we are all trying to get ahead financially, (some of us doing so with our own hard earned dollars), this is a case where those who make the decisions may have very different interests from those whose potential for profitability is exclusively based in owning shares.
Wow! Its not too late for those who voted to keep the current BOD with their green proxies to now take their yellow proxies and change their votes (in fact it takes 15 seconds online), and undo the future unimpeded damage by a BOD that doesn't have maximizing shareholder value as it prime (or even secondary) objective." |