Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: I apologize for the seemingly duplicate posts

Every post I make is censured. After seeing my first post was not visible, a few hours later I posted again. i then received a violation email. i can't explain why it appears most others are able to post in real time. Not so for me. I end up having to email optionsgirl inquiring as to why my posts are blocked.

I want to clarify I am solid on this company and truly believe within the next couple of months we will experience rocket lift off.

Some of you are blaming Trudeau and Health Canada for the delays. I disagree. I think Dr Dube jumped the gun and partnered with a mask company who didn't have an approved mask to begin with. Therefore timelines moved from what we thought would be 40 days to what now is turning into a few months.

I believe the masks will provide decent revenue, filters will provide more but the serious revenue will be the dry inhaler. Creating IP inventory is securing a foundation for many years to come.

Overall the board is doing a great job, so much we aren't privy to but the facts so far indicate an incredible future for the company and investors.


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