Emerging Graphene Technology Company

Hydrothermal Graphite Deposit Ammenable for Commercial Graphene Applications

Message: Graphite in top of the list of US Critical Minerals

Check out the organization called The American resource policy  network.com.

Copper is still one of the most critical metal needed for almost everything which includes electronics and hightech use.It will be a real lack of  foresight and judgement by allowing the Pebble mine to collapse without huge adverse implication to the survival of the western world.With almost 100 billion pounds of copper,97 million ounces of gold sitting in the frozen tundra,no wonder the Russian Oligarchs were secretly salivating for the return of Alaska to it,s motherland.Northern dynasty Minerals had spent over 100 million US on environmental studies including how to best safeguard the salmon run at Bristal Bay.Unfortunately,Canadian companies are usually easy targets by the EPA et al.That comes to the question about graphite.Graphite actually occurred in abundance all over the globe especially in the African continent.However,due to the low return and demand in the past,few mines had developed over the past decades.The Chinese had developed some of their own graphite mines and decided to keep them in tight supply.Now that the lowly graphite is being in demand again,I believe the US and Canadian government should capitalize on this and help fast track the mine developments.


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