Very good and objective points as always and I do recall some of those points.
I have always been very postively pumped about RVX (rvx-208's potential), then the original spinco resulting in Zenith and now the new Zenith Corp with Zenith Capital and Zenith Epi. I think this is very exciting and could be remarkable in the long term with IPO and royalty potential or even a tootal buyout.
I'm also pleased that the top priority is getting the FDA approved (do we know if it is actually approved or are we still basing this on Don's statement as per Masila's notes?)prostate trial started but I would have thought that that aspect would be handled by the science folks and not using the resources of Don and his finance and legal folks. Be that as it may be.
So I guess, for me, I still feel enthused about the science and scientists. However, when it comes to leadership I have very little enthusiasm left and put little faith in what he says at this stage. I'm being very blunt but that is where my mindset is currently. I've always stated that "I would love to be proven wrong!" and I hope that happens soon. We'll see. Don did say that cancer research moves fast. We'll see.
Anyway I'm just frustrated about the lack of liquidity after almost 3 years of spinco being formed. I'm not helping much with these posts but just had to get my frustration out.