Conversly I am happy that we continue to receive support from KD.
I believe that the shares are worth more than $1.00 but then I believe in the value of the company's IP.
I infer from what has happened that brokers to whom the company spoke probably said sure we can do an IPO but we believe the price should be 10 cents or so; and that managemenmt including insiders like KD said no way do we want the extreme dilution which would come that way and that $1.00 offered by KD was considered by DM and the rest and the dilution therefrom was also considered to be the best course of action for now.
I consider that the company can now go on till we get some results which will hopefully cause brokers to change their minds and deal with an IPO or RTO at a reasonable price point.
I believe KD is dealing honourably with us and hope he continues to do so. I believe he will do so.
I have been involved with a different but somewhat similar situation in which we small shareholders had a 70% major shareholder who did treat us honourable and when the major shareholder decided to sell we all made a lot of money.