"It wouldn't have made sense to do the NewCo spinoff after ASSURE. I view it as having a viable company remaining (NewCo) in case ASSURE was a total failure and they decided to abandon RVX-208. If ASSURE was a success, no need to spin off. If ASSURE was a failure, too late to spin off."
Not sure I understand your take here,,,,,if Assure was successful RVX could have sold the 208 molecule,,,,if it was a dud there are 1400 other molecules, the blood bank and the patents that could have been sold,,,My understanding at the time was that DM valued the company at much more than what he figured he could get as a whole,,,that I think was only his assumption,,,,,BP will buy drugs etc each and every day by buying up others and buying the rights to drugs. I have to ask what RVX would be trading at if we were back as one entity instead of this dogs breakfast we have with multiple companies? Especially this juicy market cap that ZEN has placed on itself which by the way means absolutely nothing to the banksters and the big board. Even RVX which trades in open market is believed by shareholders to be undervalued,,,,nope,,,we have gained nothing by creating NewCo,,,,,,,,,nada,,,,,,,zippo,,+,,my trading account confirms that,,,,,,,,,!!!
DM is coming up to his 5 year anniversary with ZEN to get the business side of things in order so that the science can be progressed in a more timely manner,,,but yet we continue to hear nothing but that deafening silence,,&,,with no trading ability,,,how many years is considered being patient???,,,,5,,,,10..15,,,,,maybe 20????,,,,,jmo