Tada - Thanks for the reminder! I was tied up last year and missed the AGM but now that you remind me, I have heard this before. The Royalty Preferred Shares do have an unfortunate dilution.
Q: Don, if Zenith Epigenetics is sold being a subsidiary of Zenith Capital is that a material change to Zenith Capital and does it require a shareholder vote?
A No. So the sole owner of Zenith Epigenetics is Zenith Capital Corporation. And the existing plan as always has been, at the time of an M&A transaction, should that be what it is, we would in parallel or just before dividend the Zenith Epigenetics shares out to the corresponding shareholders. And we don’t want to do that now because it’s a taxable event. And I don’t want to pay my share of the taxes yet, not until there’s money to pay the tax.