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Zenith's BET Inhibitor ZEN-3694 is Currently Being Evaluated in Multiple Oncology Clinical Trials

Message: Zenith got a licensing upgrade.

The money owed by Zenith to RVX is an ongoing cost not a one-time debt. They do make payments occasionally but more keeps accruing. The two companies share offices and labs and Zenith pays RVX somewhere around $200,000 to $250,000 per quarter for this. It was $700,000 in F21 and $1 million in F20. Some flows each way but these are the net numbers as most goes from Zenith to RVX with maybe $100,000 the other direction. It is roughly half for wages/administration and half for expenses like rents and operating costs. Since the two companies don't have the same reporting periods anymore, the $872,000 Sept. 30 amount KOO stated from RVX is the most recent. Zenith had it at $655,000 at July 31so it grew by $217,000 in just two months there. If none has been paid since, it could easily be nearing $1 million now. They do pay some occasionally as it was $778,000 last Dec. 31 and down to $375,000 on March 31/21 and the $319,000 on April 30/21. The point here is you will probably never see this paid off as long as they operate together but that doesn't mean nothing is being paid. Just like payables, some gets paid and more accrues so there will probably always be a balance owed every quarter.

The way the two companies spend, the outstanding amount is a bigger deal to Zenith. In RVX's hands, $800,000 would be gone in a heartbeat. I'm not saying RVX doesn't need it, it just has much less effect on their situation.

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