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Zenith's BET Inhibitor ZEN-3694 is Currently Being Evaluated in Multiple Oncology Clinical Trials

Message: Re: ZHCLF
Jul 21, 2022 09:42AM
Jul 21, 2022 12:43PM
Jul 21, 2022 12:56PM
Jul 21, 2022 01:45PM
Jul 22, 2022 11:35AM
Jul 22, 2022 02:40PM
Jul 22, 2022 04:35PM
Jul 24, 2022 09:22PM
Jul 25, 2022 09:56AM
Jul 25, 2022 10:27AM

 ",,why would I sell my ZEN shares for .10 ..all 36,000 which were issued by RVX back a decade ago and not bought out on the open market??."

Well , you would sell because you believe this "Team" is bs & you could prob get 2 bti shares for one zen & one & a bit when selling sell your rv - you would or could get closer to .20 US /zen - give it a try with half you Zen holdings maybe??

.".did you buy your ZEN shares???"

no , i recieved 100k of them at the split but could easily sell them & get two for one on the BTi but i dont believe Bti is the better buy even at two to one at this time. 

its no skin off my behind on what people choose to do - it wont effect the share prices. All im saying Narmac, is if you like bti more & feel that both their mamagment team & science has a better shot at making money sooner, then go for it. It dont matter how many shares you have already hold, go with the team you beleive gives you the best shot at making it to the finals.

Id like to see all 3 teams/bti/rv/zen advance to the finals,sure be nice to know which one or how many of these long held plays will make it & which one first??

IMO all of them have great potential.



Jul 25, 2022 02:29PM
Jul 26, 2022 06:41AM
Jul 26, 2022 01:18PM
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