Elephant Hunting in Indonesia

Message: CGB2 Status Report


It has now been over 3 months since I sent in the inquiry below and I have yet to receive a response. I understand Agoracoms position in this process, to quote you: “AGORACOM is the Web 2.0 online marketplace and forum for citizens of the small-cap investment community. Public companies, shareholders and prospective shareholders amalgamate for the purposes of communicating in a monitored and secure environment free of bashing, hyping, spam and profanity that have plagued other small-cap communities for far too long.” That being clear, perhaps the question that should be asked is: Why did Continental Energy enter into agreement with Agoracom if they do not choose to participate in the communication process?

As a bare minimum there should be a quarterly statement released to inform the share holders and potential share holders as to the accomplishments and future objectives of the company. The fact that we have heard nothing since January is extremely disappointing and quite unprofessional. I believe this is a great prospect with tremendous potential but in the absence of support from Continental management to sustain my belief I can only formulate a new belief that they are incapable of realizing that potential. I wish to remain positive on this company but the mind will generally formulate negative or worst case scenarios when left uniformed. Can you please re-submit this inquiry to Management and enlighten them on the ‘lack of communication equals lack of faith’ concept?

Thank you in advance, Matt

In a Continental Energy press release dated Jan 14, 2010 CGB2 outlined their two phase seismic acquisition program in the Bengara-II Block. Estimates were to have the 3D portion of the survey completed in March 2010 and the 2D portion to be completed in May. Although the release did make mention of delays, we are now into July with no further updates. Have they been able to complete the surveys? If so, where do they stand in the process of interpreting the data and developing a drilling program?

Oct 07, 2010 09:54AM
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