Thanks for the reply.
But I asked this question ages ago about a IR/PR firm and was told by you under no uncertain terms was a IR/PR company being hired or considered.
Now lets do a Monday/ Wednesday evening quarter backing.
If I was dya and was considering a IR/PR firm, I should have bit the bullet, and got them on board first.
That in of it's self would have started to generate some news and interest.
Then I would have let them put out the news yesterday.
NO street cred here.
What we are seeing is a repeat of last year.
No one knows why the share price is down!!!
This should be troubling to the company. And why aren't they addressing this problem?
Simpliciti and other would have us, tell friends brokers etc. Not a bad idea if your so inclined to.
But I want to know what dya are doing about this situation.
Good luck on the 16th. When you see the ceo ask him, When are we going to tier one. (soon is not a date on a calendar).
Ask about media exposure, how is this being done and who's in charge of this? What media outlets are being used? (electronic, paper, etc)
Ask about a market maker, do they have one?
Will we have a IR dept and when? who will be in charge of this?
I invite everyone to send your question to rich who will ask the ceo. I would assume he reads this board and may answer these questions before the 16th.