May be my punctuation leaves a lot to be desired. But hy-drive did mention they would put out news on third party verification.
Whether or not the accredited lab they used to do the testing is third party is not quite spelled out, but it wasn't their own in house lab. (is that a third party or second party. anybody know?)
Also they do have test results. What they are? Only they know.
They are doing tests on class 7 engines (initiating testing, means just that)
Obviously your a staunch dya supporter and a have a following, which is all good.
But your missing the point my friend. They put out news.
Oh by the way, has dya ever put out miss leading info? (do your d.d. before you answer)
The hy-drive news release is good and the guys in pickering can try to put it down, but it is, what it is, NEWS. like it or not.
The news has done what it's suppose to do, CREATE A STIR.
I agree with you, we will all see what pickerings, response will be, sooner or later. Hopefully not too late.
I'm betting it will be Good NEWS. My prediction are in a previous post.
G'day mate.