...so we have a new product coming through, the old boat anchor is gone. Great. Field trials are underway. Perfect. No doubt sales are waiting to see how the trails go, and I'd have money on the fact that Pepsi have one on trials too, at least one.
DYA is finally out of manufacturing, something I have said is going to be the best bet for a long time now. The Taj Mahal is gone, Fairfull is gone, does the BOD have the kahunahs to deal with the CEO issue? It looks like Grove is running the show, if that is the case divest yourself of the excess baggage John. Come of of the darkness of the last 6 months lean and ready for action.
Financials for Q3 are looming, pretty ugly I'm guessing. Make it the last crappy quarter guys, roll out lots of good news, especially in the new year. This stock should fly. And let us know when the AGM is, sooner rather than later please. How about a conference call John/Grove?