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Message: Top % loser on the venture today

How things turn around, we were #3 on the top % gainers aver 1M trades just 2 days ago. I personally think that mid-20s is where we should be right now, recent buying was unsubstantiated and I believe day-traders drove it out of proportion, hence the crash. Sure, it would have been nice to ride it and maybe even sell out and buy back in but I'm here for the long haul and I really believe that we're heading into good solid $+ territory soon. Just MHO.

As for SEDI. I've stated my case to Grove. John should up to date on SEDI. He's registered but with no opening balance and no transaction history. I'm told there has been no transactions, but he should have his data updated. I'm told this is in hand and will be done forthwith. Wayne Hoffman did it within 10 days of his appointment, it's not rocket science.

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