TK, he`s not the only one. I missed your suggestion too. What is obvious to you?
Nothing about this makes sense to me.
Was Maycom paid off secretly by Wencor to keep them from delivering product? Let`s see ... edig must have refused the $25,000 prior to that January meeting in Korea, which prompted Wencor to go to Korea, sabotage the DP part of the deal ... for what purpose? How does that benefit Wencor?
Edig as perpetrator? That makes even less sense.
Maycom pitching a hissyfit over loss of future business. Both Digecor and e.Digital said their future business was going elsewhere. But come on, how far to the right of the decimal place is DP business on the Maycom P&L? It`s not enough for them to sneeze at.
It would make a good novel. Let`s hope our guys are wearing the white hats.