Message: With all due respect and gratitude to:

With all due respect and gratitude to:

posted on Jan 31, 2005 05:48PM
Everyone`s opinions, and everyone`s D.D.....

O`Leary says digeplayer is the greatest thing in the world.

O`Leary two months later says it is not as great as he said.

The .33 cent thing.

Now the .21 and down to less than .18 cent thing.

Atul says things are really ``ramping up``(my own words)

We have this great multi million Asian company

We have had previous multi million Asian companies

We hoped to announce further business developments.

We hope to announce further business developments.

We go from the dissapointment of Ryan Air on Friday..

Same day we re-create involvment with MTV.

Some say people are accummulating ( I have no clue!)

Some say people are selling like crazy (I have no clue!)

We have $2.2 million in revs.

We do not have $2.2 in revs.

Dige is gonna be big.

Dige has gone nowhere so far, that we know of.

Kino is at the top of the Website

No solid news about Kino yet.

And then, you wonder why me and the rest of the board are bickering and confused?

SGE has a far greater I.Q. than me, and we know EXACTLY the same thing!

Still waiting...They ain`t gonna get any of mine!! (RELAX EVERYBODY!!!) We are way past the point of controlling the outcome, no matter what it is!!


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