Message: I wrote Dear Robert
Larry, thanks for your posts and your information. I appreciate it. Excuse me for butting in like this but I have two questions for you or anyone. 1. Larry, are your conversations and information direct, and in person, or by email or telephone? Just curious. 2. For the life if me, and I have looked all over my board more than once, where you I find a "post new message area"..Where is it? Just had eye surgury again, but I just CANNOT FIND IT! Thanks and good luck to all. Maybe we will experience some good times in the future, and that would be a most pleasant change. The "news" of the diges arriving is good, but I kind of agree with MR. Eagle. I think that they are going to find a way to reject them, for their own legal advantages. J.M.O., as always. Thanks again, T.K.
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