Message: ``Moles``?? Infiltrators? Infiltraitors?

``Moles``?? Infiltrators? Infiltraitors?

posted on Feb 08, 2005 06:37PM
Whatever you want to call it...Sorry, I cannot help it I gotta post.

There obviously are about 4 or 5 new posters (brand new), who have taken a sudden interest in our stock! Why? They are all really nice people who try and gain the trust of the board (I believe that is trait #1), who then begin to ask subtle questions about what the company is doing and not doing. They know that the stock price is going to be the same or 4-5 cents lower in just a few short months..They are brilliant! (Wish I was that smart!!)

Hell, let`s just blame it on bad mangagement, no progress, failure to achieve stated estimates (trait #2)...We are your friends and follow all the rules (triat #3)..

There are many people on this board who will not even attempt to respond to or comment on these sublimanally negative comments because they know that they should be just totally ignored!

That is what I plan to do and suggest others follow thier own instincts and do the same so we can get back to our great format!

Now, having said that...Let`s see the bevy of attacks to follow and from whom...I think it will be interesting and telling... Common guys, show me how loyal your are to your investment and that you REALLY WANT IT TO SUCCEED!! (I could care less)!!


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