Message: Re: Latest info...eagle - Daboss and all...Gil-jhawk-FUDS...

Dec 05, 2006 05:56AM

Dec 05, 2006 02:48PM

Dec 05, 2006 03:48PM

Dec 05, 2006 03:54PM

Dec 05, 2006 06:26PM

Dec 06, 2006 05:12AM

Dec 06, 2006 09:50AM

Dec 06, 2006 10:08AM

Dec 06, 2006 12:03PM

Dec 06, 2006 12:18PM

Dec 06, 2006 01:41PM

Dec 06, 2006 02:11PM

"Does an opened door help make a sale?"

You tell me. 

Ever had an opportunity come to pass as a result of a business relationship introduction or recommendation?

Apparently you're not an investor, as you see no benefit from EDIG's customer being partnered and financed by Rolls Royce, or am I mistaken, and then you are here for reasons unclear to me.

Please elucidate.


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