Message: CES Quickie

CES Quickie

posted on Jan 11, 2007 03:01PM

Quick note as CES closes...

The portable media player market is getting a lot of attention. There are many -- make that lots -- of next generation players coming on the market to be compatible with VISTA. The MS boys had plentty of attention along with the new "Quad" core from Intel -- very cool and very necessary for the extreme games to come this year designed for this 2x Dual core processors.

The CES buzz is all about video and when and where we, Joe Sixpack, can consume our TV, purchased video, original (think homemade), music videos to see as you listen, You Tude junk, etc... The big retailers we met with like the chances of the studios releasing a lot of content in 2007. Some of video toys already claim to be secure, but when pressed, nobody told me they had already tested with the Hollywood -- but the booth geeks might not know more than their script. We'll see.

Time for Willy to shine, or not. The table is set for a lot of video on demand product and VISTA's new video and home features are touted to those who want their video... like iPod junkies need their compressed sound of a MP3 files.

Also, if flash operating / file maintenance / security are in EDIG's patent portfolio, they are certainly a ton of products on the market now. See for some of the product releases. The brands you know are still crankin' out new toys at cheaper prices.

Oh, the HD DVD vs. Bluray DVD format war may have some early solutions with Time Warner's new dual format DVD -- each format on one side of the DVD. Also, LG introduced a plyer that plays std. DVDs, HD, and Bluray -- only $1200! I bought one two weeks ago for $39 and works just fine for trade show video of concerts. Not one complaint. The format war will send lots of consumers to Video on demand and wait to see what shakes out and when the price drops for the two new formats.

Any clues as to the pumped up EDIG volume? Just another EDIG moment? to bribe a Teamster to get some exhibit crates back....The 2007 CES is toast.


Jan 11, 2007 03:11PM
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