Message: Wikipedia...under microOS..English translation...?

Remember, PTSC law suit is still going through the ROCKET DOCKET in Texas...

Its shares went up to $2 dollars because of the revenue agreements with AMD, Itel, etc., worked out by Alliance Group. That gave them the ability to declare two dividends and put them on the "MAP". Howevere, they are still continuing with the litigation in Texas.

You are right. Litigation alone is costly and not as productive,That is the reason EDIG is following the same two prong approach of PTSC. One reason for the long

delay is the pervasiveness of the Products that infringe on EDIG PATENTS, (what was it?, 1372 THUS FAR?).

I think the very announcement of the efforts by Nanully, and the retaining of lawyers will have an impact on PPS.

However, I am afraid that TPL will have their work cut for them in trying to get companies like Apple to sign on as "Infingers" because they used the chips made by TI which had Mos kernels embedded on them?!...Lol...

Good Luck to all...


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