Message: Zach Johnson

I didn't see any exihibitor information on the May 22 nd show. It isn't clear to me that eDigital is planning on attending. It appears to be educational workshops rather than a show like the Aircraft Interiors show or the WAEA show in Sept. Given what EDIG is attempting to accomplish, it makes sense that they would have a represenative attend to make contacts and meet with prospective clients / airlines.Coming on the heals of the Aircraft interiors show does seem like an opportune time to reinforce contacts.

Gil, I think Inflight Dublin was working with Wencor as one of their middlemen. I don't think we had much direct exposure to them. It appears that the excibition hall is in one big room. Not separate rooms but your right, EDIG is on the opposite end of that romm about as far away as we could be. I doubt if there was any strategy involved in the booth placement, but we can count our blessings....being upwind and far removed from Brent Woods has to be considered a blessing!



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