Message: Interesting read......

There seems to be a discussion here about the percentage of potential infringers possibly settlements etc. We all know that for many years edig has felt that there are number of companies have had infringe on their patents (based on  previous deals and comments from RP and others) IMO.

Daboss has chronogically posted info. re. timeline of when edig made public announcement re. patent infringement to when the hired guns came on board. And many here believe as I do that significant research, study, evaluation has been done by a number of people to determine edig patent infringement validation. So to think that PN and DM are here for chance is basically silly. Obiviously there are no guarantees in life period but these hired guns with quite reputable credential are not here by mistake.

IMO,  DM does not look at the infringers ( appease some) as a percentage, I believe they will notify all potential infringers and see what happens. If Ptsc is an example, once a company make a deal others may pay attention. I think it is silly to argue who will make a deal or what percentage will settle. For one thing it's too early in the game and suppose a weird thing happens....such as let's say TI or Actel was an infringer and made a deal with edig and many companies used their infringing tech. in their product line would that be address.

What happened to all the edig investors who would be happy with just a Legal Team announcement or just sell something. Well for an OTC company who survived for how many years, and how many products (which actually design and made) and how many bigh partners and board members from some of the more promiment corps..

Well I for one am verry happy about the possiblities........and amazed by the adult behavior here.

I apologize in for the long post, but would like to see this forum become an informing forum for future possible edig shareholders exchanging news.



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