Message: Couple of things...All, my opinion.

Couple of things...All, my opinion.

posted on Feb 14, 2005 03:49PM
1. Although I would have liked to have heard more news and some more future guidance figures, I was satisfied with the report today, especially the patent part! Big deal here, and I think we will be given some more information sooner than some might expect.

2. As to the questions about Falk and Furgeson, I know neither of them. I do know that Falk has been ``guiding`` the company for years and most likely, saved us from bankruptcy by changing plans and the Collier thing.

I do not think that anybody here can give anyone a reason why they are still around or should go. I have NO IDEA what these guys are doing! Does anyone else?

Do we know if they are sitting on their butts doing nothing and letting Wencor do all the work, or are they maybe secretly doing a fabulous job in selling our products and platforms to large entities that could provide fabulous returns for us? Who knows?? I do not and feel it is unfair at this time when things ``seem to be`` really taking off for us. I am excited, but have moved my time line back a bit.

One more thought. I have heard most of my life that it takes YEARS to get in the door and actually do business with Asian companies. I am sure many of you have heard the same thing. Well, it has now been years, and maybe at least one of those companys will become a big part of all of our futures. Maybe I am just naive, but this is how I am feeling tonight! Now, off in my red sweater for valentines dinner and looking forward to my just reward!

Good luck to all!


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