just how do I handle my invitations to my "First and Last Annual Powered by EDigital Golf Tourney and Clambake" if there are animosties going on??? That applies to a whole bunch of posters here that seem to have a burr in their saddle. I just don't see how it would work because you and Daboss would be in the top five on the invitees list.
Maybe when EDig makes it to $12.00 all of us will be millionaires and all the BS will be in the past because everyone will be ecstatic.....
And let's face it anyone still here in the long category has to have at least 100,000 shares....That's well over a million.....
And I am not "hyping" I truly believe with all the potential we know of EDig will be a success......Perhaps not back to 24 but definitetly not just $2.00